Baby Tian You Updates

Tian You is an orphan baby from China that was born with a severe congenital deformity called Bladder Exstrophy and Imperforate Anus. He was also born with one kidney. He is cared for by Blue Sky Healing Home, a medical foster home for orphans in Beijing, and has had multiple surgeries in Singapore to repair his deformity. Tian You is in need of more surgery. For more information, please email :

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

He smiled a little today

Tian You's sedation meds were lowered today, and he was awake for a little while. He managed to smile, but as dressings were changed, he started to cry heavily. The doctors decided that he was safer under sedation, as his crying causes too much stress. In general, he seems to be recovering.


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