Baby Tian You Updates

Tian You is an orphan baby from China that was born with a severe congenital deformity called Bladder Exstrophy and Imperforate Anus. He was also born with one kidney. He is cared for by Blue Sky Healing Home, a medical foster home for orphans in Beijing, and has had multiple surgeries in Singapore to repair his deformity. Tian You is in need of more surgery. For more information, please email :

Monday, January 08, 2007

Update on Tian You

Tian You returned to Beijing in April 2006, and has been doing ok. His wound has not fully closed, and he will need further surgery within the year. For the moment, we are keeping a close eye on him, and are carefully taking care of his wound, urostomy and colostomy. His medical supplies are quite costly, but we have had various individuals help us to obtain the catheters, colostomy bags, stomahesive pastes, plaster remover swabs, etc, at discounts, or sometimes as a donation. Unfortunately, Tian You often gets urinary tract infections, and has to take antibiotics. We are exploring options for his next surgeries. For more information on Tian You, please feel free to drop an email.